

Signet Transfer supports all types of files.

Signet Transfer supports files up to 500MB.

Fill out the agreement here or contact a sales representative by emailing for more information about Signet Transfer.

There are two subscription options available in Signet Transfer, and it is possible to subscribe to both:

  • a) A solution for users to send data to anyone with an Icelandic ID number.
  • b) A solution to receive data from anyone with an Icelandic ID number by setting up a reception portal. The subscription includes a company portal and open reception groups.

Fill out the agreement here or contact a sales representative by emailing for more information about Signet Transfer.

Subscribed individuals and company users can send files to individuals.

  1. Log in to Signet Transfer and select Send to individuals. Drag and drop the file(s) you want to send.
  2. If you upload more than one file, a ZIP file will be created, which you can name.
  3. If you wish, you can include a description with the file. The description will appear under “File information” and on receipts.
  4. If you are a company user, you can choose to send the file on behalf of the company.

Recipient details must be specified:

  • Kennitala: Required for the recipient to access the file using digital certificates from Auðkenni.
  • Recipient's phone number or Evrotrust ID: Required for the recipient to access the file using digital certificates from Evrotrust. See more in Can data be sent to foreign individuals?.
  • Email address: Required for the system to send a notification about the new file to the recipient.

You can write a message that will accompany the email notification, along with sender details and a direct link to download the file.

If the file is to be sent to multiple individuals, click Add recipient.

If the email was sent to the wrong address or if the recipient cannot find the email, you can:

  • Send a reminder.
  • Copy the link to the file transfer from the File Overview and send it to the recipient.
  • Ask the recipient to log in to Signet Transfer with digital certificates and download the file from the File Overview.

You can send data to companies that have a reception portal without having a subscription.

  1. Log in to Signet Transfer and select Send to companies.
  2. Drag and drop the file(s) you want to send.
  3. If you upload more than one file, a ZIP file will be created, which you can name.
  4. If you wish, you can send a description with the file. The description will appear under File information and on the receipts.
  5. If you are a company user, you can choose to send the file on behalf of the company.
  6. You need to select the company and the appropriate reception group.

If you received an email saying that a file was sent to you via Signet Transfer but cannot see the file after logging in, the reason might be:

  • Your Personal ID number (kennitala) was not entered correctly by the sender when the file was sent, or
  • You are not in the reception group the file was sent to.

If the file was sent to a company's reception group, the system administrator of your company needs to add you to the reception group.

It depends on which operating system and browser you used when downloading the file.

In most cases, the file needs to be saved manually in a folder on your phone, so it does not save automatically.

If you can't find the file on your phone, you need to contact the sender and ask for the file to be sent again.

Yes, you can send files to individuals who have digital certificates from Evrotrust. A list of countries that Evrotrust supports for issuing digital certificates can be found here.

Before files can be sent to a foreign individual, they must first get digital certificates from Evrotrust and log in once on the Signet Transfer website to accept the terms and conditions. To send the files, the sender uses the recipient's phone number, which was used during registration for the certificate, or the Evrotrust ID.

The recipient can get digital certificates from Evrotrust by downloading the Evrotrust app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and take a photo of their passport and face with the phone’s camera.

Further instructions can be found by selecting Register with Evrotrust on the Signet Transfer login page.

Once the recipient has obtained their digital certificates and logged into Signet Transfer, files can be sent to them. The file is sent by selecting Evr and entering the phone number or Evrotrust ID. Please note that the phone number must include the country code (e.g., +354 for Iceland).

You can get digital certificates from Evrotrust by getting the Evrotrust app on Apple App Store or Google Play Store and take a photo of your passport and face with the phone’s camera.

More instructions can be found by choosing Register with Evrotrust on Signet Transfer login page.

When you have your digital certificates in the app from Evrotrust, you need to login to Signet Transfer entering the phone number you used for the Evrotrust registration.

1. Choose Sign for free
2. Select your certificate
3. Type in your PIN to confirm

Complete the registration in Signet Transfer by accepting the terms & conditions and privacy policy and click Register.

When you’ve completed the registration with Evrotrust and to Signet Transfer, files can be sent to you by using your phone number or Evrotrust ID.

When you've received a notification about new file, you can login to download the file with your Evrotrust certificates. For more information see How do I receive and download file with Signet Transfer with Evrotrust certificate?

To receive data via Signet Transfer, you first need to get digital certificates and register with Signet Transfer. Follow the steps outlined in How do I register and use Signet Transfer with digital certificates from Evrotrust?

When someone sends you files via Signet Transfer, you will receive an email notification containing a direct link to the data.

To access and view the file:

  1. Click the View file button in the email notification.
  2. Authenticate to Signet Transfer with Evrotrust using your phone number.

Follow these steps to authenticate:

  1. Select Sign for free (note that at this stage, you are not downloading the file but verifying your identity to access transfer details).
  2. Choose your digital certificate.
  3. Enter your PIN to confirm.

Once logged in, you can view details about the file transfer and proceed to download the file.

Click the Download file button to save the file. Note that you can only download it once, so it’s recommended to save it securely on your computer or phone.

Your Evrotrust ID/Personal ID Number can be used to send files to you via Signet. You can locate this information in either the Signet Transfer platform or the Evrotrust app.

In Signet Transfer:

  1. Go to the Signet Transfer login page.
  2. Log in using your Evrotrust certificates.
  3. Open the menu in the upper-right corner.
  4. Select My Registration.
Menu in Signet Transfer
Registration page in Signet Transfer

In the Evrotrust App:

  1. Open the Evrotrust app on your phone.
  2. Select Certificates.
  3. Choose the certificate you plan to use for Signet Transfer.

The number displayed under Personal ID Number is your Evrotrust ID.

Evrotrust app front page Certificate list in Evrotrust app Certificate details in Evrotrust app

Signet Transfer only offers authentication with credentials issued by Fullgilt Auðkenni and Evrotrust. Signet supports electronic IDs on mobile, app, and card.

Certificates are issued by Auðkenni, and further information can be found on their website at It is also possible to use digital certificates from Evrotrust to log in and use Signet Transfer. More information on how to register for Signet Transfer can be found at TODO.

Since digital certificates on phones uses the mobile network's distribution system, messages may take a while to arrive or might even be lost. If this happens, it is best to wait for about 10 minutes and try again later.

Only members of reception groups can see and download files that have been sent to the company's reception group. To add an employee to a reception group, the company system administrator must:

  • Log in to Signet Transfer with digital certificates.
  • Select Company Management.
  • Select Groups.
  • Choose to Edit the relevant reception group.
  • Enter the employee's ID number and Save.

Please note that the employee can only download files that are sent to the reception group after they have been added. It is not possible to access previous files.

Instructions for company system administrators for Signet Transfer can be found here.